Courtney N Long

FDA Investigator Report


Duty Station: Silver Spring MD 20705

Organizations: DHHS FDA OC OGROP OIP

Total Inspections: 187

Total 483s Issued: 96

Total Warning Letters Issued: 3

Inspection Details

Longest Inspection: 62 days

Shortest Inspection: 1 days

Average Length of Inspection: 4.9 days

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Recent Inspections

DateCompanyCityCountryFEI Number483
2024-11-22Sandeep Katiyar, MBBSKanpurIndia3031597166
2024-09-13Ramashanker Yadav, M.D.AhmedabadIndia3031600919
2024-08-21Anshul Warman, M.D.AhmedabadIndia3030732689
2024-08-21Anshul Warman, M.D.AhmedabadIndia3030732689
2024-08-02Rashmi Singh, M.D.VaranasiIndia3031814019
2024-07-01Parag Kalyani, M.D.PuneIndia3031091036
2024-06-10Sardar Patel Medical College and A.G of HospitalsBikanerIndia3016449285
2024-04-19Manjula Shetty, M.D.MangaloreIndia3030297008
2024-03-08Triveni PolyclinicNagpurIndia3029908919
2024-01-25Actimus Biosciences Private LimitedVisakhapatnamIndia3006211400

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Download 483s and EIRs for Courtney N Long


NameInspectionsLast Inspection
Janete F Guardia62022
Jennifer C Adams32018
Adriana N Jimenez-Lopez32015
Barbara D Wright22019
David L Chon22018
Irina Gaberman22015
Perry H Gambrell22012
Yvette E Guillermo22011
Seongeun Cho12024
Alanna L Mussawwir Bias12024
Humberto Z Gomez12024
Anna M Brannen12023
Geoffrey K Kilili12021
Hasan A Irier12019
Amanda Lewin12019
Melanie N Daniels12018
Melkamu Getie Kebtie12017
Xikui Chen12017
Margaret Torres-Vazquez12016
Brian M Palermo12016
Renisha M Shaw12015
Jamie D Richardson12014
Andrew A Leboeuf12013
Susan J Essenmacher12013
Clarice J Ahn12013
Amber G Chung12013
John Dan12012
Shaquenta Y Perkins12011
Katherine E Jacobitz12011
Joey V Quitania12011
Elizabeth B Griffin12008

Active Locations

Year-wise Inspection Count

Last Updated: 2024-12-09 05:14:17