Cntrctmntr Chamberlain

FDA Investigator Report

Total Inspections: 22

Total 483s Issued: 0

Total Warning Letters Issued: 0

Inspection Details

Longest Inspection: -1 days

Shortest Inspection: -1 days

Average Length of Inspection: 0.0 days

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Recent Inspections

DateCompanyCityCountryFEI Number483
2008-02-28Jaindl Farms, LLCOrefieldUnited States2515336
2008-01-31Mahoning Valley Milling Company, Inc.PunxsutawneyUnited States2515964
2008-01-31Melick Aquafeed, Inc.CatawissaUnited States2523460
2008-01-30Platts Mill IncSpartansburgUnited States2580894
2008-01-30Westford Milling CompanyWestfordUnited States2516338
2008-01-24Agri-Basics, IncElizabethtownUnited States3004160937
2008-01-23Tri County FeedDaytonUnited States3002713833
2008-01-23Big Valley Feed & Grain CoBellevilleUnited States2512487
2008-01-20Indiana AgwayIndianaUnited States3004634357
2008-01-18Circle R FeedSlipery RockUnited States3005768479

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Last Updated: 2024-12-09 05:14:17