FDA Investigator Report

Total Inspections: 7

Total 483s Issued: 0

Total Warning Letters Issued: 0

Inspection Details

Longest Inspection: -1 days

Shortest Inspection: -1 days

Average Length of Inspection: 0.0 days

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Recent Inspections

DateCompanyCityCountryFEI Number483
2009-01-07New Holland Dairy, LLCBlufftonUnited States3007372558
2009-01-07Edward J. KubiakWebbervilleUnited States1000437659
2008-12-17Daniel FredsMarkleUnited States3007372899
2008-12-16BMF DairySaint JohnsUnited States3007348434
2008-12-16Dwight I. HuffmanMarkleUnited States3007372974
2008-12-12Rolling MeadowsCaledoniaUnited States3007345442
2008-11-21Yankee Springs DairyWaylandUnited States3007322996

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Year-wise Inspection Count

Last Updated: 2024-12-09 05:14:17