Alison A Nicoli

FDA Investigator Report


Duty Station: Minneapolis MN 55401

Total Inspections: 8

Total 483s Issued: 2

Total Warning Letters Issued: 0

Inspection Details

Longest Inspection: 1 days

Shortest Inspection: 1 days

Average Length of Inspection: 0.1 days

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Recent Inspections

DateCompanyCityCountryFEI Number483
2011-05-18Cardia IncEaganUnited States3003215458
2008-05-12Blue Star TradingMinneapolisUnited States3005180846
2008-04-30Portionables, Sargento CO.North Sioux CityUnited States3005422065
2008-04-29Walt's Homestyle Foods, Inc.YanktonUnited States3004619529
2008-04-28Bob's CandyYanktonUnited States1716356
2008-04-17Benadir ImportsMinneapolisUnited States3003834079
2008-04-02York TradingMinneapolisUnited States3004768815
2008-02-15Ellsworth Cooperative CreameryEllsworthUnited States2111185

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Download 483s and EIRs for Alison A Nicoli


NameInspectionsLast Inspection
Patricia A Holmstrom22008
Aaron L Dunbar12011
Jessica M Novak12008
Heather A Kleimola Hulbert12008

Active Locations

Year-wise Inspection Count

Last Updated: 2024-12-09 05:14:17