Cntrctmntr Fiorentinod_c

FDA Investigator Report

Total Inspections: 17

Total 483s Issued: 0

Total Warning Letters Issued: 0

Inspection Details

Longest Inspection: 18 days

Shortest Inspection: 1 days

Average Length of Inspection: 2.5 days

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Recent Inspections

DateCompanyCityCountryFEI Number483
2015-02-04Denise CuthbertsonBradfordUnited States3011270195
2014-11-24Richard MartinGuildhallUnited States1000623426
2014-11-19Harold WebsterDanvilleUnited States3011141707
2014-11-12Jillian Holstein FarmShorehamUnited States3007275520
2014-10-17Cash RuaneNorth ClarendonUnited States3011035528
2014-09-19M & C Family FarmCharlotteUnited States3010970456
2014-09-18Gosliga Farms IncVergennesUnited States3006674410
2014-09-11Neil & Joanne DoaneEast FairfieldUnited States3002805087
2014-05-14The Wright FarmEnosburg FallsUnited States1220917
2014-05-05Paul Plouffe FarmBridportUnited States3010760053

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NameInspectionsLast Inspection
Cntrctmntr Carr Sharpe22014

Active Locations

Year-wise Inspection Count

Last Updated: 2024-12-09 05:14:17