CntrctMntr BodenW

FDA Investigator Report

Total Inspections: 30

Total 483s Issued: 1

Total Warning Letters Issued: 0

Inspection Details

Longest Inspection: -1 days

Shortest Inspection: -1 days

Average Length of Inspection: 0.0 days

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Recent Inspections

DateCompanyCityCountryFEI Number483
2012-01-25Bliss DairyDeltaUnited States3005857509
2011-11-10Bridgerland HolsteinsNewtonUnited States3007119600
2011-09-13Hudson Pullet FarmsHudsonUnited States1713940
2011-08-24E Bar M FeedlotEatonUnited States3006283411
2011-08-22Eastern Colorado Research CenterAkronUnited States3009194042
2011-08-10J. D. Heiskell & CompanyPortalesUnited States3003024013
2011-07-26Quality Liquid FeedsJohnstownUnited States1717244
2011-07-20Performance Foods, Inc.BroomfieldUnited States3009198014
2011-07-19Colorado Agri ProductsSterlingUnited States3009209341
2011-07-194-M Feeders, Inc. - Yard #2StrattonUnited States1721730

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Last Updated: 2024-12-09 05:14:17