CntrctMntr A McBean

FDA Investigator Report

Total Inspections: 8

Total 483s Issued: 0

Total Warning Letters Issued: 0

Inspection Details

Longest Inspection: 16 days

Shortest Inspection: 16 days

Average Length of Inspection: 4.0 days

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Recent Inspections

DateCompanyCityCountryFEI Number483
2013-11-08Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Inc.NorcrossUnited States3001859902
2013-11-08Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, Inc.NorcrossUnited States3009492559
2011-02-14Prestage Farms IncClintonUnited States1000656595
2011-02-07Tap Root Dairy, LLCFletcherUnited States3007030608
2011-02-07Julian Milling CoJulianUnited States3001459433
2011-02-02Mountaire Farms Inc.CandorUnited States3003018178
2011-01-19Griffin Industries Inc., Bakery Feeds Division.MarshvilleUnited States3003461494
2011-01-05Red Oak FarmsHurdle MillsUnited States3005625941

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Download 483s and EIRs for CntrctMntr A McBean


NameInspectionsLast Inspection
Jimmy O Buford22013
David T Glover22013
Ana L Kewes22013
Kenny R Robinson22013
Joseph F Owens22013
Robin N Goins22013
Amanda L Evanco12013

Active Locations

Year-wise Inspection Count

Last Updated: 2024-12-09 05:14:17