Calvin K Cook

FDA Investigator Report

Total Inspections: 82

Total 483s Issued: 49

Total Warning Letters Issued: 0

Inspection Details

Longest Inspection: 1 days

Shortest Inspection: 1 days

Average Length of Inspection: 0.4 days

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Recent Inspections

DateCompanyCityCountryFEI Number483
2011-07-27Promex Technologies, LLCFranklinUnited States1000139986
2011-05-27TaiDoc Technology CorporationNew Taipei CityTaiwan3004145393
2011-05-20Apex Biotechnology Corp.Hsin-cuTaiwan3002671736
2011-05-13Infopia Co., Ltd.Dongan-gu, Anyang-siKorea (the Republic of)3004146366
2011-04-22Symbios Medical Products, LLCIndianapolisUnited States3005203102
2011-04-14Creighton Brothers Mellott FarmBourbonUnited States3008822748
2011-04-11Victorian House Scones, LLCLafayetteUnited States3004932803
2011-03-24Jack'S Donut ShopNew CastleUnited States1825955
2010-12-17Plant Lipids CondimentsCochinIndia3008744986
2010-12-17Plant Lipids (P) Ltd.KochiIndia1000421093

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Download 483s and EIRs for Calvin K Cook


NameInspectionsLast Inspection
Patrick B Cummings22011
Brandi N Mcgrady22010
James A Lane22010
Brian P Hendrickson12010
Bernard P Heidt12010
Robert M Barbosa12010
Andrea D Swingle12009
Dawn C Olenjack12008

Active Locations

Year-wise Inspection Count

Last Updated: 2024-12-09 05:14:17